Actor Kevin Alejandro: We plan to create a respectful, reliable brand people can trust (BZ Film)

Award-winning actor Kevin Alejandro is expanding his reach – not only he’s known for his work on such TV shows as “Lucifer”, “True Blood”, “Southland”, “Shark”, “Ugly Betty” and many others, he has been trying himself in the director’s chair as well.

His short film “Bedtime Story” won the “Best of Festival” at Hollywood Short Film Festival 2018 and Alejandro also won the “Best Director” award as well.

Back that up with directorial credit for “Lucifer” episode (season 3), winning the Imagen Awards’ “Best Supporting Actor in a Drama Series” for “Southland” and a nomination for same for “True Blood – and you got a complete package

Alejandro however doesn’t seem to be slowing down any time soon. While his shows are all over TV and his directed films run through the festivals, he’s sitting down to talk with BZFilm about how it all went down…



First off, one thing about you stands out, that is a piece of IMDb trivia, which says ” Sold everything he owned in order to move to Los Angeles, California to pursue acting”. How did everything begin for you? Please, take us back.

Well, when I finished the BFA acting program at the University of Texas in Austin, I was completely broke. I knew the next step in my journey to fulfilling my creativity as an actor was to make the leap over to Los Angeles and submerge myself into the thick of it. Being a college student, I didn’t really have much, but I DID have a pretty cool bicycle, some roller blades, a couple watches, and a stereo. So naturally, I did what any struggling young actor would do. I sold it all! I only made a couple hundred bucks, however, I had a plan.

My best friend (Stephen Monroe Taylor), also a struggling actor, decided to do the same. We left the University, pulled our funds together, moved back to Snyder, Texas (our hometown) and produced a play. Our plan was to use a portion of the ticket sales to get us to LA, and it actually worked! We produced the show TRUE WEST at our high school theater in Snyder, and most of the town came out to support.

Coming from our small pocket in west Texas meant we had the love and support from most of our town! Everyone knew Stephen and Kevin wanted to be actors, and the community pulled together to help make it happen. When you come from where we come from, you’re born with a great sense of hometown pride. We all want good things to come out of our town, and gratefully Snyder came together to help us become one of those “Good Things”.

Please tells us about the birth of “Alejandro Films”. How the idea was being materialized?

ALEJANDRO FILMS started out as a Youtube channel. I knew my creativity was starting to evolve from just being an actor into wanting to be a film maker. In Hollywood many projects sit forever in development waiting for the money to make the project. However, I was impatient. I didn’t want to wait for someone else to tell me “Now we can make your movie.” I decided, screw it. I have an old camcorder. I have friends who are actors. I have friends who are writers. Hell, I’m a writer! I want to make movies!

So I did. I started the ALEJANDRO FILMS Youtube channel to challenge myself to learn all aspects of film making. I wanted to prove that if there’s an interesting concept, and if you utilize your resources, there’s no excuse for not telling your story. Little did I know, making my little short films with camcorders, iPads, and iPhones would lead me to an acceptance into the Warner Brothers Directors Program. But you know what?? It did! I applied for the program, and somehow they saw potential! Getting into this program was a game changer. It gave me the opportunity to direct an episode of LUCIFER (the show I act in), and it gave me the desire to do more. As time pushes forward, ALEJANDRO FILMS continues to grow. It is no longer just a YouTube channel. It is evolving into a full fledged Production company.

ALEJANDRO FILMS is first and foremost about family. Our family has always come first and it’s what keeps us both grounded and motivated. But what we’ve come to realize is that family is more than just blood. We are surrounded by talented friends who not only inspire and lift us up, but who challenge us creatively and provocatively to elevate ourselves. This is our tribe. They come from all different backgrounds, from all different walks of life, and who have stories upon stories that need to be told. With our family/our tribe, ALEJANDRO FILMS is about bringing these stories to life. Because of this, we are not limited to specific genres or points of view. But we are committed to collaborating with those people who are determined to elevate the conversation and examine humanity in an entertaining and transformative way. Our Motto? “Elevate ourselves, elevate our family, elevate our friends, elevate the world.”

Your award-winning “The Bedtime Story” stars Patrick Fischler – a well-known actor with an extensive body of work, but only two short films, one of which is yours…

Patrick and I are old friends. We did Southland together, We’re both with the same management team (MAIN TITLE ENTERTAINMENT), and he used to coach me for auditions. We have history. Patrick is one of the best actors I know, and thankfully when I approached him with the script, he was excited at the opportunity to work together again. BEDTIME STORY came about to challenge myself to produce and direct something at a higher level of production before I tackled the responsibility of directing my first episode of LUCIFER. It was an extraordinary experience and one I am very proud of. Without the entire team of players, it could not have happened. I consider myself very lucky to have friends who support me as much as I support them.

Tell us a bit about your “The Talk” short film. We’ve heard it is currently being shown at the festivals…

Yes, THE TALK! It was inspired by a micro short film challenge. I wanted to write and direct something with my son (Kaden Alejandro) who is an excellent actor. I love kids and I love working with them. Who better than my own son? It’s the story of an 11 year old boy who gets more than he bargains for when he asks his father to tell him about sex. THE TALK is a dark comedy thats making it’s mark through the film festivals as we speak!

But THE TALK isn’t the only project of mine making it’s journey through festivals right now. I also wrote and produced a pretty cool dark comedy called SMILE (inspired by the same micro short film challenge). I’m extremely proud of SMILE. Actually, I think it’s the strongest out of the two shorts and is absolutely KILLING it at the festivals. SMILE is the story of an over privileged 7 year old girl who bites off more than she can chew when she devises a plan to deceive the Tooth Fairy. It stars Emerson Basco, DB Woodside, and myself as THE TOOTH FAIRY.

My favorite element about SMILE is… It marks the Directorial debut for my wife and business partner Leslie Alejandro. Leslie is a wonderful film maker who makes her living as a celebrity photographer. Her ability to tell a story is incomparable. She has several documentaries in various stages of development which she will also direct. We can expect great things from Leslie! She truly amazes me. Together, alongside her sister (Dani De Jesus) we make up ALEJANDRO FILMS!

At this point, what important tips has Kevin Alejandro-the actor learned for Kevin Alejandro-the director to be successful?

Kevin Alejandro-the actor has to remind Kevin Alejandro-the director to “act” like he has the answers to all the questions during production, even if he doesn’t!

Do you plan to combine acting and working behind the camera with “Alejandro Films” in the future, or as an actor you will be gradually stepping aside for more directorial work?

I will never step aside as an actor. Acting is my first true love. I could never abandon her. ALEJANDRO FILMS is an avenue for us to create stories and characters which resonate within ourselves and the world that surrounds us. We plan to create a respectful, reliable, and successful brand people can trust.

(Source: BZ Film)
Writer: Tim Tal

NewsLeslie Alejandro